Sunday, July 19, 2009

Not Another Blog!

Yes, Yes, I know. I have way too many blogs. If it makes it any better, I exported and deleted one before starting this one. And I don't plan to advertise it. Only those who go snooping around my dashboard will find it (yes, this means you).

If I don't have a schedule, I just will continue to drop this non-part of my life. I'm content to say, "Yeah, I'll pick up piano again when I retire." But I just have to refresh the science and math now because my brain is oozing away in mid-life.

Baby Steps, Baby Steps. I have plenty of math and science books lying around the house, everything from Quantum Physics textbooks to Relativity. I must have about 4 or 5 different Calculus textbooks alone. But it's not in my brain!!!

I start with Lee Smolin's book Trouble with Physics...


  1. Apparently it's a lot of trouble, given that over 4 mounths later you seem not to have finished it. ;)


  2. Pray tell how did this expression of a mid-life crisis end?
